
Liquid Light for Light Sounds Festival at Richmix

Liquid Light for Light Sounds Festival at Richmix

We were invited to take part in Light Sounds Festival at Richmix by bringing our Liquid Light workshop to this experimental audio visual festival. As ever our six participants started out with more or less the same materials, yet their results are absolutely unique. What a pleasure to meet the participants, and what a joy to get into the Liquid zone for this Sunday workshop. A special mention to Pat Grimm @patgrimm who joined us to pass on her skills and techniques.

Tree Circle Cinema 2024

Tree Circle Cinema 2024

Tree Circle Cinema is an annual community event that has grown slowly from grass roots experimental idealism and has developed sponsorship relationships within the community. Each year an outdoor cinema takes place in the natural auditorium of Millfields Park - the tree circle. An outdoor screen and projection booth are erected, films are wrangled, families turn up, sit down, chat and watch a movie in the open air. Blankets and thermoses come out and everyone settles in. It is always magical.

Leytonstone Loves Film

Leytonstone Loves Film

We worked closely with the Barbican to manage the content preparation, technical set up and operation of an ambitious film festival, wrangling over one hundred films in numerous formats for seven different venues across the three days of the festival. It was a weekend of diverse films in the heart of Leytonstone and our job was to make sure that each show was a smooth and seamless audience experience. Highlights were John Smiths talk, Eithne Nightingale's s Ugwumpiti and Agnes Varda The Gleaners and I.